Private 4 Year

National Paralegal College Location and Distances

Phoenix, Arizona

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National Paralegal College is located in Phoenix, Arizona; population 1,445,632. The campus is in a large city setting.

6516 North 7th Street- Suite 103
Phoenix, Arizona
85014-1262 USA

Map of National Paralegal College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to National Paralegal College from nearby towns.

National Paralegal College distance from Arizona cities
City Distance
Paradise Valley6 miles
Glendale7 miles
Tolleson12 miles
Tempe13 miles
Guadalupe13 miles
Sun City14 miles
Young14 miles
Maricopa Colony15 miles
El Mirage16 miles
Scottsdale17 miles
St. Johns17 miles
Litchfield Park17 miles
Komatke17 miles
Gila Crossing19 miles
Sun City West19 miles
Fountain Hills20 miles
Chandler21 miles
Santa Cruz21 miles